Ubuntu Art by Dana
When I began painting, my children were just 4 and 5 years old, and my greatest identity to date was being their Mommy. The moment I picked up the brush in 2015, something was ignited in my soul, and I felt compelled to paint any random image that I would find on the Internet. Six months into this journey, I stumbled upon and painted my first mother child painting, and THAT’S when I discovered my voice. With every painting, I saw my children. I saw myself. I saw love. And I just couldn’t stop. When you view any of these paintings, you are experiencing a precious moment deep within my soul.
Ubuntu Girls | OG Ubuntu Girls | Motherhood | Spirituality | Animals
If you would like to purchase a gallery painting, please contact me directly at Dana@UbuntuFishGallery.com so the details of payment and shipping can be discussed human-to-human, and also so that I can be comforted in knowing one of my babies is going to a good home. Ask me about handmade reproductions in varying sizes and price points. Ubuntu!