Energy Channeling
Custom Soul and Cellular Activation Session:
Angels, Aliens, and Everything In-between
This is a 411 on how “they” operate through me and what my gig looks like so you can decide if you’re truly interested. I’m what is known as a deep trance channel, as well as a semi-conscious channel, and I act as an energy conduit of and for the celestial realms. Beings of this realm also act as my guardians, protecting my channel and vetting all energies that want to engage and communicate through it.
When doing a session with you, your spirit guides and beings of assistance speak through my vocal cords and deliver messages and they also “tone” through me, using sound vibration for energy constructions, release and infusion. They will also transmit energy to you through my hands. In short, I am capable of acting as a conduit for all forms of energy “who” wish to “speak” through me, in whatever fashion that “language” can be expressed through a human channel (me). I step out and “they” step in, and I give them the stage to do their thing in their way. So while I’m channeling, I’m not engaged consciously (which probably sounds weird) and essentially a blank slate, but I can hear what’s going on and you can stop me at anytime to ask me a question or get clarification and I’ll bounce right out without missing a beat. You can also engage with “whoever” or “whatever” is speaking and converse directly with that energy as well, so don’t be shy!
The energies, depending on who/what comes in and out during your session—usually multiple beings will appear—have different personalities/voices/ways of speaking/ light language or alternate language other than English, and present in a fabulous variety of characters. I sometimes say I’m like Sybil on steroids, but each being transmitting is always and only of a beneficial and pure nature, and coming forward to you solely for your highest good and assistance. Every session is completely customized to the individual and is an activation awakening latent DNA and cellular memory for the purposes of allowing you to access self-knowledge and engage with attributes and abilities on a greater level than prior to the session.
Some things that may come up are past/present life regression, energy balancing, release and infusion, and acceleration of spiritual/psychic abilities….and who knows what else! Each session is different for everyone, and since you’re accessing YOUR soul—which is unique exclusively to you—the specific experience is yours and yours alone and completely unpredictable as to how it will present until we do it. I never need to know anything about you, and actually prefer to have as little information prior to meeting you as possible.
Afterwards we can chat and you’re welcome to ask whatever questions you have until you feel complete. I’ll record the session or you can, and that way you’re able to go back to it anytime. I’m available for a week after via email, to answer any questions directly related to the session itself which may arise.
After the session I don’t usually remember much, if anything, and you’ll have to remind me of what was said. The information only usually stays with me for a very short time even after the reminder, so please don’t be offended if you say something and I have no idea what you’re talking about!
Your session belongs to you in every way. Also absolutely anything that transpires is completely private, never to be discussed by me with anyone other than yourself. If you want to share your experience, that’s your business. Just makes sure to say nice things about me! Haha!
So that’s the gig in a nutshell! I’m happy to answer any other questions that you may have regarding how things work, ect. I do in-person (if you’re local) and remote sessions, whichever you’re comfortable with. Both ways are just as effective. It’s all about you and how you want to go about it. The only thing I’ll ask is that you silence your phone!
Energy Channeling Session is led by Ann Marie Skordy
Duration: 1 hour session | $150